Valuable Details To Have On Your Ice Cream Shop Sign
If you're opening an ice cream shop and have found a local custom sign company that will produce your outdoor sign, your first instinct might be to have the sign feature a tantalizing image of ice cream. This design will catch peoples' attention and should compel many of them to visit you for a frozen treat. You'll also want some standard information on the sign. Your name, phone number, and website are all valuable things to include. Provided that you have extra space on the sign, here are some useful details to feature.
If you make your ice cream in-house, this is a good detail to share with the community. Many people will be excited to learn that you produce your own ice cream; there's something more appealing about visiting this type of ice cream shop over one that simply buys bulk tubs of ice cream. Try to have the sign provide as much detail as possible if you feel that the public would be excited to know. For example, "Handmade Daily" can sound more appealing than simply "Handmade."
Number Of Flavors
When someone thinks about visiting a new ice cream shop, they want to ensure that there will be plenty of enticing flavors from which to choose. This can especially be important for a parent who is taking their children to the shop, as each child has different tastes. It's useful for your sign to include a mention of how many flavors your shop has. Simple wording such as "25+ Flavors" will make people confident that they'll have lots of options that they will want to order. If your shop has both soft serve and traditional ice cream, you should also ensure that the sign shares this detail.
Other Treats
Some ice cream shops exclusively sell ice cream, while others carry a wide range of treats that people can enjoy. If your shop belongs to the latter group, this is information that is useful to feature on your sign. For example, you might have a short list that includes ice cream cakes, slush drinks, and other similar items. Someone who perhaps doesn't want to eat an ice cream cone at a particular time may see your sign and be intrigued by one of the other treats that you sell. Discuss these design ideas with a local custom sign company to ensure that your ice cream shop's sign has as much of an impact as possible.
Contact a company that provides business signs for more information.